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Monday, October 6, 2014

Motivation Monday - Tomorrow is Another Day

And thank goodness it is, because I need to get my groove back.  I lost it somewhere over the last few days. I worked out on the treadmill first thing this morning, but am still dragging this evening. Usually my workouts give me a bit of a boost, but not today,  Looks like I am the one in need of the Monday Motivation!  Here are some ways to fight the blahs:

  1. Boost your energy.  Stretch, jog in place, or climb some stairs. Get moving and shake off any tension and stress. 
  2. Eat a snack. Munch on some whole grain crackers with a dab of peanut butter. Or grab a handful of nuts or other healthy treat. Then drink a big glass of water.
  3. Change it up.  Snap out of your same old routine. Even a tiny, seemingly insignificant change can pull you out of a rut.
  4. Talk with a friend. A fresh perspective from someone you trust can help you manage your negative thoughts and emotions.
  5. Pamper yourself. A warm bath, mini-massage or anything that helps you de-stress will increase your serotonin level – that “feel good” hormone.
  6. Listen to some upbeat music. Turn up the volume and rock out!
  7. Do something nice. Step outside of yourself to help someone else. Nothing extravagant or huge, just a kind gesture from your heart.
  8. Write it down.  Jot down what’s blowing around in your head. Putting your thoughts on paper can give you a fresh new outlook.
Here I come 1, 4 and 6!  

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