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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Top Ten Thursday - Reasons to Exercise


  1. Lose weight and keep it off.  Getting to and staying at a healthy weight requires both regular physical activity and a healthy eating plan.
  2. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression.  Working out stimulates brain chemicals that induce relaxation and happiness.
  3. Decrease risk of illness. Researchers have found that people who exercise regularly are 23% less likely to get colds than those who exercise less. And, if those who exercise get colds, the symptoms disappear more quickly than in the study participants who do little exercise.
  4. Boost your memory.  There are many studies showing that regular physical exercise helps your neurons stay in shape particularly in the memory areas of the brain. Moderate walking can help your brain’s memory center, the hippocampus, maintain its health and vitality. 
  5. Improve your digestion.  Digestion can take between 24 and 72 hours. Exercise can help to improve the efficiency of the digestive process.
  6. Strengthen your heart. Endurance sports such as running, walking, swimming and cycling strengthen your cardiovascular system. Your heart becomes more efficient and less susceptible to disease.
  7.  Increase your metabolism. A person’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy used by the body while awake and in a state of complete rest.  Regular exercise will help prevent a decrease in both your lean body mass and your BMR. 
  8. Improve your sex life. Exercise increases your libido and your stamina  You’ll also be a better partner because of the way you feel.
  9. Live longer.  People who exercise regularly live longer and stay healthier into old age. 
  10. Reduce your risk of some cancers. Research shows that being physically active lowers your risk for two types of cancer: colon and breast. 

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